New Orleans Pelicans

New Orleans Pelicans

  • Field Goal %
    48.6 FG%
  • 3-point %
    38.3 3P%
  • Points Scored
    115 PPG
  • Total Rebounds
    44.0 RPG
  • ClutchPoints

    Pelicans rumors: Jonas Valanciunas phased out of future plans

    The NBA's traditional big-man role has been under attack since Steph Curry stepped into the league. Perhaps it was a bit before the 2009 draft class had their names called but the four-point line (The Curry Curve, if you will) is being implemented onto practice courts by practically every team. Sure, Willie Green's strategies down the stretch got the Pelicans to the NBA Playoffs through the Play-In Tournament. Unfortunately, figuring out how Valanciunas would be used night-to-night was a fool's bet.